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The curriculum and course of study at St. Paul meet the requirements of the State of Michigan. Quality education is the standard in all subject areas. All subjects are taught in a Christian atmosphere where Christian love and joy can become a genuine part of life.

The areas of the curriculum include:

Religion – including worship, Bible study, salvation history, catechism, and memory work

Language Arts – reading, phonics, English, spelling, handwriting, practical and creative writing, and literature

Social Studies – geography, history, current events, Michigan history

Science – general science, health, family life and sex education, and computer education

Mathematics – use of numbers, geometry, measurement, metric system, and algebra

Fine Arts – music, art, choirs, drama, band

Physical Education – individual and team sports, skills, test for physical fitness and recreation

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St. Paul offers an exceptional music program under the direction of our Minister of Music, Mr. Greg Paul.

Kindergarten through 4th grades study general music once a week. Students beginning in grades 5 are allowed to further explore their musical talents by choosing to join the St. Paul Beginning Band, also directed by Mr. Paul. From there, they may join the Advanced Band. The bands participate in worship services and in a spring concert.

A Handbell Choir is available for interested students as an after-school activity that plays for worship services and special occasions. An auditioned select choir is available as an after-school activity emphasizing reading music, part singing, and participation in choral festivals. All students participate in our St. Paul School Choir, practicing twice weekly during the school day.

The congregation and surrounding community are blessed by the choir through their performances during church services and other community events during the school year


In order to provide athletic opportunities, we partner with St. Mary in Royal Oak for after-school sports.




Is there an Extended Care program available?

Yes, St. Paul offers extended care in the morning beginning at 7:00 AM and an after-school extended care until 6:00 PM.

Does St. Paul have a dress code?

Yes, St. Paul uses a dress code to help students focus on learning.


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