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Which Is Better? Private, Public, or Charter

Which Is Better? Private, Public, or Charter

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

The educational environment a child is exposed to can significantly shape their future, making this decision one of paramount importance for parents and guardians. Parents can find themselves spending countless hours researching the differences between public, private, and charter schools. 

Each of these schooling types presents unique teaching methodologies, curriculums, and learning environments, catering to diverse needs, preferences, and expectations.

Public schools, funded by local, state, and federal government funds, are cornerstone institutions accessible to every child. They are the bastions of learning that promise inclusivity and a broad spectrum of resources. On the other hand, charter schools, also publicly funded but independently run, provide an intriguing mix of innovative education models and tailored teaching approaches. 

Private schools operate independently of government intervention and offer customized curricula and enriched learning environments. 

In this article, we are discussing the benefits and challenges inherent to public, charter, and private schools. 

Defining Public, Private, and Charter Schools

We want to make sure everyone is on the same page. Here are the definitions we are using to describe public, private, and charter education. 

Public School

Public schools are primary and secondary institutions offered to all students free of charge while being funded through taxation. Public school teachers in Michigan are required to have a teaching certificate. 

Charter School

Charter schools are tuition-free primary and secondary institutions funded through taxation; however, they are operated independently and have more freedom to control the curriculum. In Michigan, charter school teachers must be certified. 

Private School

Private schools are independent primary and secondary institutions that are not funded through taxation. Being privately funded, typically through tuition and donations, private schools are able to have the maximum amount of control over curriculum, teaching style, religious emphasis, etc. 

They are required to meet certain academic standards in compliance with federal, state, and municipal ordinances. 

What Are the Differences?

Traditional public schools and charter schools are more similar than they are different. While charter institutions may have unique curricula, slightly smaller class sizes, and feature more individual attention for students, they are still limited in their opportunity to be truly distinct. Charter schools, for instance, cannot emphasize religious education. 

In Royal Oak, public and charter education is certainly high quality. We have excellent teachers throughout our area who have dedicated their lives and careers to giving children the best opportunities to become successful adults. However, you may be seeking an alternative to public schools for some of these reasons:

  • You want your children to have a different academic experience
  • You are concerned about the level of government interference in education
  • You want smaller class sizes 
  • You want your children educated from the perspective of a biblical worldview
  • You see the Scriptures as something as valuable in education as history, science, and arithmetic

If you are searching for that education alternative, charter school may be enticing for its price tag; however, it is not as much of a deviation from public education as you would hope. 

The Benefits of Private School

Since St. Paul Lutheran School is fully private and independent, we have full control and oversight over what we are able to teach and emphasize. We are committed to helping children develop their full potential as God's creation as we:

  • TEACH children to serve God and others.
  • EQUIP children with knowledge and skills for living.
  • ACKNOWLEDGE each child's uniqueness.
  • CREATE an active, Christ-centered learning environment.
  • HONOR GOD through active church participation.

Other benefits include:

  • Small class sizes: No more than 16 in kindergarten and 20 in grades 1-8
  • Academics: Rigorous academics with state-certified teachers
  • Social skills: Intentional development of social skills 
  • Technology: Use of classroom technology
  • Fine Arts: We have a high-quality music education program
  • Daycare: Morning and after school care 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

That is, of course, a small sampling of the quality opportunities your child has at St. Paul Lutheran School. We are committed to ensuring each student experiences spiritual growth and discipleship in an academically rigorous environment. 

If you are convinced your child would benefit from quality private Christian education here in Royal Oak, or you need more information before you can be sure, contact us. We are here to help you find the answers that lead you to the right decision for you and your family.